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Ghostheads is a documentary that explores the extreme side of the Ghostbusters fandom, and looks back at the impact the franchise has had on the world over the past three decades. Through interviews with key cast and crew, including Dan Aykroyd, Ivan Reitman, Ernie Hudson and many more, as well as with Ghostbusters fans all over the world, Ghostheads presents countless humanizing stories that will connect with audiences about comradery, overcoming obstacles, and that no one should ever feel alone or isolated.

Ghostheads, both the movie, and the people, show what really separates a fandom from the rest. Every Ghosthead is unique. Every Franchise is its own.


It's been over 30 years since Ghostbusters first premiered on the big screen back in 1984, with the film spawning generations of fans all over the world. Our movie captures the magic these movies created by showcasing the fans, and seeing the reactions from the cast and crew involved with the Ghostbusters franchise overall.


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